Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Script." wendyswizardofoz. 24 Oct 2008 .

"the wizard of oz (1939)." Wikipedia. 28 October 2008. 24 Oct 2008 .

Take Home Test - The Wizard Of Oz

The film The Wizard of Oz starring Judy Garland, Ray Bolger, Jack

Haley, Bert Lahr, Billie Burke, Margaret Hamilton and Frank Morgan

is based on the children’s book written by L. Frank Baum in 1900

called The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The film proves several different

archetypal characters that mythopoeia criticism is based upon, such

as the journey, the lord, the dark lord and warriors.

The Wizard of Oz is a fantasy film that takes the viewer to a magical

land with a good witch, a wicked witch, a wizard, a talking

scarecrow, a tin man, and a lion and many other magical creatures

like munchkins and flying monkeys. It is the story of a young girl

named Dorothy Gale who lives with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry on a

farm in Kansas but finds herself on a journey through this magical


Dorothy’s journey begins when she becomes unconscious after being

hit on the head when a tornado goes through her family farm. While

unconscious she dreams of herself and her little black dog Toto in a

land she has never been to before.

Dorothy: "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore! We
must be over the rainbow! Now I - I know we’re not in Kansas!"

Dorothy is sent on her journey by Glinda, the Witch of the North. Her

instructions are to follow the yellow brick road and not to stray off

it’s path. Dorothy meets three characters along the way, the

Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion, together they face many

challenges. Each of them overcome their fears and strengthen their

friendship as they continue the journey on the yellow brick road. At

their destination, the Emerald City, they ask the all powerful Wizard

of Oz to grant each of them their wish; for Dorothy to return home, a

brain for the Scarecrow, a heart for the Tin Man and courage for the

Lion. The Wizard tells the four friends he will grant their requests if

they bring him the broomstick of the Wicked Witch. This is a very

dangerous journey but they are successful and through this last

challenge they become aware of their own strengths. It is a journey

of self-awareness and it brings each of them what they most desire.

For Dorothy her journey ends back in her bed in Kansas surrounded by

her family and friends.

Dorothy: "No. But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you - and
you - and you - and you were there."
Professor: "Oh!"Dorothy: "But you
couldn't have been, could you?"
Aunt Em: "Oh, we dream lots of silly
things when we –"
Dorothy: "No, Aunt Em, this was a real, truly live
place. And I remember that some of it wasn't very nice - but most of
it was beautiful. But just the same, all I kept saying to everybody
was, 'I want to go home!' And they sent me home."

The archetypal character of the lord in this film is the Glinda, the

Witch of the North. A lord possesses great power and authority.

Glinda is a powerful witch and the munchkins look to her for

guidance. Glinda is the one first one to welcome Dorothy to

Munchkinland. She is kind and patient with Dorothy when Dorothy has

many questions, and she is strong and in control when she helps

Dorothy through her first encounter with the Wicked Witch. She is in

charge and she gives Dorothy the ruby slippers. Glinda is the one who

sends Dorothy on her journey down the yellow brick road to find her

hearts desire.

Dorothy: "Oh, I'd give anything to get out of Oz altogether, but -
which is the way back to Kansas?" I can't go the way I came."
Glinda: "No, that's true. The only person who might know would be
the great and wonderful Wizard of Oz himself."
Dorothy: "The Wizard of Oz? Is he good or is he wicked?"
Glinda: "Oh, very good, but very mysterious. He lives in the Emerald
City and that's a long journey from here. Did you bring your
broomstick with you?"
Dorothy: "No, I'm afraid I didn't."
Glinda: "Well, then, you'll have to walk. The Munchkins will see you
safely to the border of Munchkinland. And remember, never let
those ruby slippers off your feet for a moment,or you will be at
the mercy of the Wicked Witch of the West."
Dorothy: "But - how do I start for the Emerald City?"
Glinda: "It's always best to start a the beginning - and all you do is
follow the Yellow Brick Road."

And it is Glinda who teaches Dorothy near the end of her journey that

she does not need to look very far for what is most important in her life.

Glinda: You don't need to be helped any longer. You've always had the
power to go back to Kansas.Dorothy: I have?
Scarecrow: Then why didn't you tell her before?
Glinda: Because she wouldn't have believed me. She had to learn it
for herself.
Tin Man: What have you learned, Dorothy?
Dorothy: Well, I - I think that it - that it wasn't enough just to
want to see Uncle Henry and Auntie Em. And that it's that - if I
ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further
than my own backyard, because if it isn't there, I never really lost it
to begin with. Is that single minded?
Glinda: That's all it is!

The dark lord, also known as the devil figure, is another archetypal

character. The dark lord is a powerful, evil character who creates

conflict in his attempt to gain more power. In this film the Wicked

Witch of the West is the dark lord. At Dorothy’s first encounter with

the Wicked Witch she is threatened.

Wicked Witch: "As for you, my fine lady. It's true I can't attend to you
here and now as I'd like, but just try to stay out of my way - just try!
I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!".

In her endeavor to take the magic ruby slippers away from Dorothy,

the Wicked Witch creates many dangerous situations for Dorothy to

manage. She causes conflict between Dorothy and the Scarecrow and

the apple trees. She sends her flying monkeys to kill the Scarecrow,

the Tin Man and the Lion and to bring her Dorothy and Toto. She sets

a spell on a field of poppies so Dorothy, the Lion and Toto would fall


Wicked Witch: A-hah! So, you won't take warning, eh? All the worse
for you, then! I'll take care of you now instead of later! Hah! When I
gain those ruby slippers, my power will be the greatest in Oz! And
now, my beauties! Something with poison in it, I think. With poison
in it, but attractive to the eye and soothing to the smell! Poppies!
Poppies! Poppies will put them to sleep. Sleep - now they'll sleep.

Dorothy and her friends always survive the danger brought on by the

Wicked Witch.

Wicked Witch: Oh, Curses! Curses! Somebody always helps that girl!
But shoes or no shoes, I'm still great enough to conquer her. And woe
to those who try to stop me!

The archetypal character of the warriors in this film are Dorothy, the

Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion. The characteristics of a warrior

are strength, intelligence, bravery and compassion. The four warriors

fight through many battles created by the Wicked Witch.

Scarecrow: I've got a plan how to get in there.
Lion: Fine. He's got a plan.
Scarecrow: And you're going to lead us.
Lion: Yeah. Me?
Scarecrow: Yes, you.
Lion: I - I - I - I - gotta get her out'a there?
Scarecrow: That's right.
Lion: All right, I'll go in there for Dorothy -
Wicked Witch or no Wicked Witch - guards or no guards - I'll tear 'em
apart. Ohhh! I may not come out alive but I'm going in there. There's
only one thing I want you fellas to do.
Tin Man and Scarecrow: What's hat?
Lion: Talk me out of it.
Tin Man: No, you don't
Scarecrow: Oh, no!
Lion: No? Now, wait a minute.
Tin Man: You don't neither -
Scarecrow: Up!
Lion: Now?
Scarecrow: Come on, I've got another idea
Lion: Do - do you think it'll be polite - dropping in like this?
Tin Man: Come on - come on. Where do we go now?
Lion: Yeah.
Scarecrow: There! Wait! We'd better make sure. Dorothy, are you in there?
Lion: It's us!
Dorothy: Yes, it's me! She's locked me in!
Lion: Listen, fellas. It's her. We gotta get her out! Open this door!
Dorothy: Oh , hurry! Please hurry! The hourglass is almost empty!
Tin Man: Stand back.
Dorothy: Oh - oh - oh, Toto! Toto!
Lion: Did they hurtcha?
Dorothy: Lion - I knew you'd come!
Tin Man: Dorothy!
Dorothy: I knew you would!
Scarecrow: Hurry, we've got no time to lose!

Although the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion did not believe they were

worthy warriors, they were each tested and proved their worthiness.

The Wizard of Oz sends them on a quest to get the Wicked Witches

broomstick; he is surprised when they return with it.

Wizard: Can I believe my eyes? Why have you come back?
Dorothy:Please, sir. We've done what you told us. We've brought
you the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West. We melted
Wizard: Oh - you liquidated her, eh? Very resourceful!

By virtue of successfully completing their quest the Wizard points out

to them that they do possess the characteristics of warriors.

Scarecrow is given a diploma for wisdom, the Tin Man is given a

testimonial for his kindness and the Lion is awarded the Triple Cross

for bravery.

Wizard: Why, anybody can have a brain. That's a very mediocre
commodity. Every pusillanimous creature that crawls on the earth, or
slinks through slimy seas has a brain! Back where I come from we
have universities - seats of great learning - where men go to become
great thinkers. And when they come out, they think deep thoughts,
and with no more brains than you have. But - they have one thing you
haven't got - a diploma! Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested
in me by the Universita Committeeatum E Pluribus Unum, I hereby
confer upon you the honorary degree of Th.D.
Scarecrow: Th.D.?
Wizard: Yeah - that - that's Dr. of Thinkology
Scarecrow: The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles
triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side. Oh, joy!
Rapture! I've got a brain! How can I ever thank you enough?
Wizard: Well, you can't! As for you my fine friend, you are a
victim or disorganized thinking. You are under the unfortunate
delusion that simply because you run away from danger you have no
courage! You are confusing courage with wisdom. Back where I come
from we have men who are called heroes. Once a year they take their
fortitude out of mothballs and parade it down the main street of the
city. And they have no more courage than you have. But - they have
one thing that you haven't got! A medal!! Therefore, for meritorious
conduct, extraordinary valor, conspicuous bravery against wicked
witches, I award you the Triple Cross. You are now a member of the
Legion of Courage!
Lion: Oh - oh, shucks, folks - I'm speechless!
Wizard: As for you, my galvanized friend - you want a heart! You
don't know howlucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be
practical until they can be made unbreakable.
Tin Man: But I - I still want one.
Wizard: Back where I come from there are men who do nothing
all day but good deeds. They are called phil....er.....phil...er...er....
good-deed-doers and their hearts are no bigger than yours,
but they have one thing you haven't got! A testimonial!
Therefore, in consideration of your kindness, I take pleasure at
this time in presenting you with a small token of our esteem
and affection. And remember, my sentimental friend, that a
heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are
loved by others.
Tin Man: Oh, Oh, it ticks! Listen! Look, it ticks!
Lion: Read - read what my medal says. Courage! Ain't it the truth!

Despite this children’s book being written in 1900 and the film being

released in 1939 the story through archetypal characters can be

compared to a modern day book/film such as Harry Potter. Any good

book/film has to have a journey, a lord, a dark lord and warriors.

Friday, October 17, 2008

ISU small

Over time relationships change and people grow. Celie’s relationship with Shug has many levels of emotion throughout the novel “The Color Purple”. As their relationship grows Shug has many roles. She is confidant, lover, sister, teacher and friend to Celie. Celie is a black woman born to a poor family in the south in the early part of the nineteen hundreds. As a child Celie is constantly abused by her father and as a women she is abused by her husband. She is told she isugly. Celie writes to God because there is no one else she can confide in. The singer Shug Avery is a strong outspoken and beautiful woman. She left her children with her mother to pursue her own interests, singing in night clubs, and being involved with many men.

Before Celie met Shug Avery she fantasizes and dreams about her and her lifestyle . She first saw Shug when she found a picture of her on the ground of her father’s home; she later learned that this photo was a woman named Shug Avery. (Walker 8 ) “ Shug Avery was a woman. The most beautiful woman I ever saw. She more pretty then my mama. She bout then thousand times more prettier then me. I see her there in furs. Her face rouge. Her hair like somethin tail. She grinning with her foot up on somebody motorcar. Her eyes serious tho. I ast her to give me the picture. An all night long I stare at it. An now when I dream, I dream of Shug Avery. She be dress to kill, whirling an laughing.”

Celie is infatuated with the idea of Shug Avery. She believes the singer’s life is exciting, wild and unconventional unlike her own. When Celie learns that Shug is in town she becomes very excited and jealous that her husband Mr._____ is going to see her show. (Walker 24 ) “Shug Avery is coming to town! She coming with her orkestra. She going to sing in the Lucky Star out on Coalman road. Lord I wants to go so bad. Not to dance. Not to drink. Not to play card. Not
even to hear Shug Avery sing. I just be thankful to lay eyes on her.”

When Celie first meets Shug Avery she is not what she expected. Celie’s husband brings Shug home when Shug is sick with a “womans disease” and no one will take her in. Celie nurses her back to health. Shug is rude, bossy, hateful, and spoiled. She treats Celie like a servant. Shug does not appreciate the things that Celie does for her. (Walker 46 ) “I ast Shug Avery what she want for breakfast. She say what yall got? I say ham grits, eggs, biscuits, coffee, sweet milk or butter milk, flapjacks. Jelly and jam. She say , Is that all? What about orange juice, grapefruit, strawberries and cream. Tea. Then she laugh. I don’t want none of your damn food, she say. Just gimme a cup of coffee and hand me my cigarettes.”

Shug is used to having a lot of attention. She is not kind to Celie when they first meet. She wants to make sure that Celie knows she is the one in charge. ( Walker 42 ) “She look me over from head to foot. Then she crackle. Sound like a death rattle. You sure is ugly, she say, like she ain’t believed it.” Later in the novel the reader learns that Shug’s actions were because she was jealous of Celie. ( pg 105 ) “And when I come here, say Shug. I treated you so mean. Like you was a servent. And all because Albert married you.”

After the two woman get to know each other it becomes clear that they have strong feelings for each other . Their relationship grows intimate and they often share the same bed. (Walker 124) “ Us sleep like sisters. Me and Shug. Much as I still want to be with her, much as I love to look. I love to hug up period, she say. Snuggles. Don’t need nothing else right now. Yeah I say. Hugging is good. Snuggle. All of it’s good.”

When they first act on their physical love for each other it is uncomplicated for them even though they are unsure of how to be with each other. ( Walker 97 ) “ She say, I love you, Miss Celie. And then she haul off and kiss me on the mouth. Um, she say, like she surprise. I kiss her back, say um, too. Us kiss and kiss till us can’t hardly kiss no more. Then us touch each other. I don’t know nothing bout it, I say to Shug. I don’t know much, she say. Then I feels something real soft and wet on my breast, feel like one of my little lost babies mouth. Way after while, I act like a little lost baby too.”

Their relationship transitions from lovers to friends when Celie finds out that Shug has married a man named Grady. (Walker 93 ) “ I run out the door. Before I know anything a skinny big toof man wearing red suspenders is all up in my face. Miss Celie, he say. Aw, Miss Celie I hear so much about you. Feel like we old friends. Shug standing back with a big grin. This Grady, she say. This my husband. The minute she say it I know I don’t like Grady.” Celie keeps her feelings about Grady to herself.

Shug taught Celie many things but not how to deal with her feelings of betrayal. When Shug has a 6 month fling with a younger man Celie feels horrible. She wonders if Shug ever loved her and questions her worthiness. (Walker 220 ) “Sometimes I think Shug never love me. I stand looking at myself in the looking glass. What would she love? I ast myself. My hair is kinky because I don’t straighten it anymore. My skin dark. My nose just a nose. My lips just lips. My body just any woman’s body going through the changes of age. Nothing special here for nobody to love.”

Over the course of the novel Shug taught Celie many lessons. Many of which help her personal growth . She became more independent and truly understands the meaning of love. She learns what it feels like to be in love, to be loved, to have her broken heart, to have a friend who is always there for her, and that she can do anything when she puts her mind to it. These are all thanks to Shug. Because of Shug Celie discovers she is worthy of respect, friendship, love, happiness and freedom. With Shug’s help Celie transforms into a happy successful and independent woman. Shug taught Celie about love, which allowed her to love herself and then everyone around her. ( Walker 228) “ I love folks.”


Walker, Alice. The Color Purple. New York and London: Harcount Brace Jovanovich, 1982.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Small ISU Essay Outline

Thesis: Celies relationship with Shug is has many levels of emotion through out the novel.

Reason #1: Before Celie ever even met Shug she fantasised and dreamed about her and her ways

Example #1: pg.8 “ Shug Avery was a woman. The most beautiful woman I ever saw. She more pretty then my mama. She bout then thousand times more prettier then me. I see her there in furs. Her face rouge. Her hair like somethin tail. She grinning with her foot up on somebody motorcar. Her eyes serious tho. I ast her to give me the picture. An all night long I stare at it. An now when I dream, I dream of Shug Avery. She be dress to kill, whirling an laughing.”

Example #2: pg 13 “ I think about Shug Avery. I know what he doing to me he done to Shug Avery and maybe she like it. I put my arm around him.”

Example #3: pg 19 “My ears perk when they mention Shug Avery.I feel like I want to talk about her my own self.”

Example #4: pg 24 “Shug Avery is coming to town! She coming with her orkestra. She going to sing in the Lucky Star out on Coalman road. Lord I wants to go so bad. Not to dance. Not to drink. Not to play card. Not even to hear Shug Avery sing. I just be thankful to lay eyes on her.”

Reason #2: After meeting Shug Celie realises how she really is.

Example #1: pg 42 “She look me over from head to foot. Then she crackle. Sound like a death rattle. You sure is ugly, she say, like she ain’t believed it.”

Example #2: pg 43 “She sicker than my mama was when she die. But she more evil.”

Example #3: pg 45 “ Hateful. She weak as a kitten. But her mouth just pack with claws.”

Example #4: pg 46 “I ast Shug Avery what she want for breakfast. She say what yall got? I say ham grits, eggs, biscuits, coffee, sweet milk or butter milk, flapjacks. Jelly and jam. She say , Is that all? What about orange juice, grapefruit, strawberries and cream. Tea. Then she laugh. I don’t want none of your damn food, she say. Just gimme a cup of coffee and hand me my cigarettes.”

Example #5: pg 105 “And when I come here, say Shug. I treated you so mean. Like you was a servent. And all because Albert married you.”

Reason #3: After finding there differences Shug and Celie have a loving relationship.

Example #1: pg 65 “Shug saying Celie. Miss Celie. And I look up where she at. She say my name again. She say this song I’m bout to sing is called Miss Celie’s song. Cause she scratched it out of my head when I was sick.”

Example #2: pg 69 “She say, What, too shame even to go off and look at yourself? And you look so cute too, she say, laughing. All dressed up for Harpo’s, smelling good and everything, but scared to look at yourself.”

Example #3: pg 96“After he through, I say, he make me finish trimming his hair. I sneak a look at Shug. Oh, Miss Celie, she say. And put her arms round me .She say, I love you, Miss Celie. And then she haul off and kiss me.”

Example #4: pg 124 “ Us sleep like sisters. Me and Shug. Much as I still want to be with her, much as I love to look. I love to hug up period, she say. Snuggles. Don’t need nothing else right now. Yeah I say. Hugging is good. Snuggle. All of it’s good.”

Example #5: pg 179 “Besides, she say. You not my maid. I didn’t bring you to Memphis to be that. I brought you here to love you and help you get on your feet.”

Example #6: pg 212 “Celie, she say, Do you love me? She down on her knees by now, tears falling all over the place. My heart hurt so much I can’t believe it . how can it keep beating, feeling like this? But I’m a woman. I love you, I say. Whatever happen, whatever you do I love you.”

Example #7: pg 240: “ oh Celie, she say stepping out of the car, dress like a moving star, I missed you more then I missed my own mama. Us hug.

Reason #4: However Shug does break Celies heart

Example #1: pg 93 “ I run out the door. Before I know anything a skinny big toof man wearing red suspenders is all up in my face. Miss Celie, he say. Aw, Miss Celie I hear so much about you. Feel like we old friends. Shug standing back with a big grin. This Grandy, she say. This my husband. The minute she say it I know I don’t like Grady.”

Example #2: pg 209 “ My heart broke. Shug love somebody else.”

Example #3: pg 220 “Sometimes I think Shug never love me. I stand looking at myself in the looking glass. What would she love? I ast myself. My hair is kinky because I don’t straighten it anymore. My skin dark. My nose just a nose. My lips just lips. My body just any woman’s body going through the changes of age. Nothing special here for nobody to love.”

Con: Over the course of the novel Shug has tought Celie to love and hate in the end there friendship is greater then ever.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Structuralism Terms & Concepts Handouts

Structuralism Terms
- Structuralism:
- Sign:
- Signifier:
- Signified:
- Referent:
- Semiotic:
- Lexeme:
- Morpheme:
- Grapheme:
- Phoneme:
- Paradigm:
- Paradigmatic:
- Syntagm:
- Syntagmatic :
- Synchronic:
- Diachronic:

The cat stopped at the stop sign as the dog rushed by in his coat.
1) Find 2 morphemes
2) Find 2 words that are not morphemes
3) Find a sign

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Color Puple Thesis - Small ISU

Celies relationship with Shug is has many levels of emotion through out the novel.