Friday, December 19, 2008


Based on Millar’s Definition Of Tragedy Is Shakespearian or Modern Better?
Based on Millar’s definition of tragedy Shakespearian is better then modern because in a modern tragedy common man is usually the hero and the victim. While in Shakespearean tragedy show cases nobility, and the super natural.
Modern tragedies are now predictable, everything has been done. Some may say that Shakespearian tragedies are even more predictable / boring, however if they were boring or even predictable then why are we still reading them in our high school years? And most likely will be hearing about them until our later years.
Millar says “I think the tragic feeling is evoked in us”. Which is very true for Shakespearean tragedies. Upon watching or reading Hamlet or Macbeth at one point you must think, oh no, or I feel bad for this character.

December 15th 2008 6 people joined together in the RDHS English room at approximately 9:50 AM to debate on the topic “Does Gertrude betray old and young Hamlet?”. The judges were Stephanie Wilson, Jayme Bedell and Megan Marshall. On the affirmative side was Adam Young, Stuart Gendron and Matthew Brown-Tassie while on the negative side was Tyler Keith, Alex Van Der Mout and Jonathan Hughes-Khatib.
The debate started off with 5 minutes to either side for an introduction. The affirmative side opened with a definition of what betrayal is ... deception. While the negatives opened with many questions. Next was the 3 minute rebuttal where the affirmative side started to say things such as how Hamlets mother did not seem to love Hamlet. Examples such as, she went behind Hamlets back and told Claudius everything were brought out. Next the negative side had there rebuttal where they said Gertrude never lied to anyone. Once again both sides had a 5 minutes introduction then another 3 minute rebuttal. Stuart from the affirmative side asked the question was Gertrude faithful? The negatives came back with saying that there was proof that the Ghost (Old Hamlet) said she had nothing to do with his death.
Next was the 10 minute free for all where there was an intense life savers battle between Tyler Vs. Adam and Jon Vs. Stuart. The last battle of the free for all was played by Tyler and Adam, while in the background music played. Unfortunately the negative side won every battle.
Then is was back to the 5 minute discussion where Matt asked the other team, She called her own son crazy who does that? He also said that she didn’t trust Hamlet. The negative side came back with a question also, marrying into the thrown... is she betraying her son because she wants him to have a better life?.
The verdict of the judges was that the negative side had won.

December 12th 2008 9 people joined in a room together at Rockland District High School early in the morning. They gathered together to debate on weather or not Hamlet is crazy or not. 3 of these people were judges Yannik , Jennifer and Nick .3 from the affirmative side Mary, Ilayda and Micheala. And 3 from the negative side Melissa, Jessica and Kelsey.
The debate started with the affirmative side. 5 minutes were given to each side for a introduction statement. The affirmative side started off by saying that Hamlet had a unhealthy mind and that he has many mental illnesses. While the negatives came back with saying that he is still grieving from his fathers death, and that he has encountered many bad thing in the past 2 months. Next came a 3 minute rebuttal, then once again another argument. The affirmative brought up that he has schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and well as border line personalities. The negative came back with an argument saying that many people in the play do not believe that he is crazy. Another rebuttal came after where Mary said “look at his behavior not his personality, he obviously crazy”. With Melissa later saying something along the line that its only been 2 months since his father has died he has the right to be acting strange. Then the 10 minute free for all began, but before it did Micheala and Melissa took a sip of water followed by a nasty glare to one another.
After the free for all there was another 5 minute argument and 3 minute rebuttal. The affirmative side saying that insane is equal to not knowing right from wrong, and Hamlet does not know. While the negative followed with asking does speaking out loud make you crazy?.
The conclusion by both these side had many Shakespearian insults to one another however the negative side added that he has meaning for his actions.
The verdict of the judges is that the negative side should win.

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