Thursday, October 9, 2008

Small ISU Essay Outline

Thesis: Celies relationship with Shug is has many levels of emotion through out the novel.

Reason #1: Before Celie ever even met Shug she fantasised and dreamed about her and her ways

Example #1: pg.8 “ Shug Avery was a woman. The most beautiful woman I ever saw. She more pretty then my mama. She bout then thousand times more prettier then me. I see her there in furs. Her face rouge. Her hair like somethin tail. She grinning with her foot up on somebody motorcar. Her eyes serious tho. I ast her to give me the picture. An all night long I stare at it. An now when I dream, I dream of Shug Avery. She be dress to kill, whirling an laughing.”

Example #2: pg 13 “ I think about Shug Avery. I know what he doing to me he done to Shug Avery and maybe she like it. I put my arm around him.”

Example #3: pg 19 “My ears perk when they mention Shug Avery.I feel like I want to talk about her my own self.”

Example #4: pg 24 “Shug Avery is coming to town! She coming with her orkestra. She going to sing in the Lucky Star out on Coalman road. Lord I wants to go so bad. Not to dance. Not to drink. Not to play card. Not even to hear Shug Avery sing. I just be thankful to lay eyes on her.”

Reason #2: After meeting Shug Celie realises how she really is.

Example #1: pg 42 “She look me over from head to foot. Then she crackle. Sound like a death rattle. You sure is ugly, she say, like she ain’t believed it.”

Example #2: pg 43 “She sicker than my mama was when she die. But she more evil.”

Example #3: pg 45 “ Hateful. She weak as a kitten. But her mouth just pack with claws.”

Example #4: pg 46 “I ast Shug Avery what she want for breakfast. She say what yall got? I say ham grits, eggs, biscuits, coffee, sweet milk or butter milk, flapjacks. Jelly and jam. She say , Is that all? What about orange juice, grapefruit, strawberries and cream. Tea. Then she laugh. I don’t want none of your damn food, she say. Just gimme a cup of coffee and hand me my cigarettes.”

Example #5: pg 105 “And when I come here, say Shug. I treated you so mean. Like you was a servent. And all because Albert married you.”

Reason #3: After finding there differences Shug and Celie have a loving relationship.

Example #1: pg 65 “Shug saying Celie. Miss Celie. And I look up where she at. She say my name again. She say this song I’m bout to sing is called Miss Celie’s song. Cause she scratched it out of my head when I was sick.”

Example #2: pg 69 “She say, What, too shame even to go off and look at yourself? And you look so cute too, she say, laughing. All dressed up for Harpo’s, smelling good and everything, but scared to look at yourself.”

Example #3: pg 96“After he through, I say, he make me finish trimming his hair. I sneak a look at Shug. Oh, Miss Celie, she say. And put her arms round me .She say, I love you, Miss Celie. And then she haul off and kiss me.”

Example #4: pg 124 “ Us sleep like sisters. Me and Shug. Much as I still want to be with her, much as I love to look. I love to hug up period, she say. Snuggles. Don’t need nothing else right now. Yeah I say. Hugging is good. Snuggle. All of it’s good.”

Example #5: pg 179 “Besides, she say. You not my maid. I didn’t bring you to Memphis to be that. I brought you here to love you and help you get on your feet.”

Example #6: pg 212 “Celie, she say, Do you love me? She down on her knees by now, tears falling all over the place. My heart hurt so much I can’t believe it . how can it keep beating, feeling like this? But I’m a woman. I love you, I say. Whatever happen, whatever you do I love you.”

Example #7: pg 240: “ oh Celie, she say stepping out of the car, dress like a moving star, I missed you more then I missed my own mama. Us hug.

Reason #4: However Shug does break Celies heart

Example #1: pg 93 “ I run out the door. Before I know anything a skinny big toof man wearing red suspenders is all up in my face. Miss Celie, he say. Aw, Miss Celie I hear so much about you. Feel like we old friends. Shug standing back with a big grin. This Grandy, she say. This my husband. The minute she say it I know I don’t like Grady.”

Example #2: pg 209 “ My heart broke. Shug love somebody else.”

Example #3: pg 220 “Sometimes I think Shug never love me. I stand looking at myself in the looking glass. What would she love? I ast myself. My hair is kinky because I don’t straighten it anymore. My skin dark. My nose just a nose. My lips just lips. My body just any woman’s body going through the changes of age. Nothing special here for nobody to love.”

Con: Over the course of the novel Shug has tought Celie to love and hate in the end there friendship is greater then ever.

1 comment:

komox37 said...

1. Use the name of the novel in the thesis

2. A good outline, though your quotes should be a couple of lines longer.

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